Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Topsy-Turvy Thirty-Five

Oops she did it again! Mamma is so tired these days she can barely get herself up the stairs to her bedroom. She is, however, very good at going down the stairs—she just rolls down them. Yes, Mamma dearest fell down again!

This time she was going out with Daddy for some Indian food and she was plunking down the concrete steps one foot at a time, trying to be cautious if not elegant about it, when on the last step her ankle gave way and she fell hard on the stone floor. She twisted her ankle really badly and Daddy got a big shock.

For a while it seemed like all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t get Mamma up and running again, but after much ado and Daddy’s fruitless attempts at lifting us, she was up, if not barely about. Not to worry, I was fast asleep and wasn’t bothered by it. I just figured, there she goes again (she has averaged one fall per trimester I think). She had to limp for two-three days but it was kind of nice for me since it provided me with a nice rocking motion.

She is much better now. I am absolutely fine. Mamma had a cut or two on her foot and her right knee and left ankle made it hard for her to walk for a few days, but she is fine now. Daddy still can’t imagine how we fell down. He was in front of us, trying to make sure this wouldn’t happen.

This is why whenever Mamma and Daddy go to the doctor, I can always hear the sharp intake of his breath and Mamma says his eyebrows go up a couple of centimeters. He always asks them what Mamma did now. He’s kind of scared of her/thinks she is the most impossible patient he has. This time my parents knew the drill of what to look out for and thought they’d spare telling the doctor about the fall till their next visit this weekend. Her doctor would very much like it if she put bubble wrap around her stomach and stayed in bed till I came out. I don’t mind so much. Mamma wouldn’t be Mamma without a dash of clumsiness and a pinch of chaos.

Any old how let’s talk more about me. I’m getting chubbier by the week. Remember several weeks ago I told you that only about 2% of my weight was fat. Right now the percentage has gone up to 15%! I’m not getting any taller though, since there is not enough room for me in here. As it is I’m banging on Mamma’s bladder and lungs. I’m so big now that there is more of me than amniotic fluid in here.

If I was born sometime now, I’d be alright. This stuff called cortisol is in my lungs to help them develop in preparation for birth and my kidneys should be developed fully by now. I’m also developing my own immune system. I kind of have an idea of when I want to come out, but that’s my little secret for now. Plus I’m a fickle little fetus. I change my mind about these things all the time (hey I gotta do something inside here).

Other than that not much is going on here. It’s hard for Mamma and me to get comfy at night. I push or kick through her belly onto the bed and her bladder when she sleeps on her side. She is always up with palpitations or heartburn or some other malady. Her rings don’t fit her fingers anymore and her feet look more masculine than Daddy’s at the moment! Also her nose seems bigger. She is not keen on that. Basically she is hoping that I would make an early appearance. Daddy is also hoping for that, but that’s because he wants to see me already. He thinks everything I do is cute (well I am a sweetie if I do say so myself).

I think I’ll sign off and let Mamma post this for me while she is safely seated and actually slightly alert. In case you didn’t see the pictures Mamma sent, please tell her to get them to you. Leave some comments for me! Lots of love, Baby BB 6


Gauri Salokhe said...

Hey Sweetie, its great that you are growing well. You tell Mommy to take it easy and for the rest of the trimester walk carefully down the stairs! I did see the photos of Mommy and she looks beautiful!!! And, NO, her nose is just fine! Big kiss from Aunty Gauri to both of you.

sonali76 said...

Hey Baby BB,

You are a real cutie, just like ur mommy isnt it ;) Your Mommy by the way looks absolutely great and glowing with you in her tummy and i bet you keep her very alert with all the kicking. Dont let up,for that keeps both Mummy and Daddy happy. Give lots of hugs and kisses to Mommy from me and a sweet kiss for you. Take care!

Raymond Cummings said...

I love how you (and Momma) are able to make lemonade out of lemons : )

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