Friday, February 23, 2007

Sweet Sixteen

I was so happy with your enthusiastic support of my blog that I just couldn’t wait to give you more updates. Well, that and if I don’t blog, all that’s left to do is swim in amniotic fluid all day. My host (that’s what I call Mamma when I am not pleased with her), on the other hand, has been shying away from her duty to me (typing) because she has been feeling really nauseous and tired all week.

In fairness, I am partly to blame for that, but I am excused because I’m just so darn cute. Mamma has a hard time getting comfortable enough to fall asleep at night, no matter how tired she is. She read several articles saying that it is better for me if she slept on her side (something about blood flow—I’d explain it to you, but I’m just a fetus).

Aunty Manji sent her a pregnancy pillow but Mamma keeps falling on her back, making her worry about me. So in the morning, we both are very sleepy and the last thing on our mind is food—which is bad. She needs to eat right away to prevent the nausea from setting in, but she tends to want to eat whatever I feel like eating.

What do I want to eat? Ramen noodles, french fries, and coffee ice cream together (hey, don’t knock it till you try it). Mamma keeps telling me those are not healthy things. She put her foot down on the noodles and ice cream since apparently she thinks the noodles will have too many preservatives and she doesn’t want to give me coffee. So we settled on a small portion of fries (I’m sure she didn’t mind that much) and a vanilla ice cream cone instead. Daddy, if he knows what's good for him, will take us to a Japanese restaurant tomorrow to have fresh ramen noodles.

In other news, my finger and toe nails are growing!! I can’t really see how my nails are growing since my eyes are still fused shut. However, I can sense light, but I am not a big fan of it since I’m used to the darkness of the womb. Thank goodness (for many reasons) Mamma is a prude and keeps her belly covered at all times!!

Guess what? My heart is circulating 25 quarts of blood right now and my urinary system is working. Poor me, I have to pee into my amniotic sac every 40-45 minutes or so. Mamma is rather relieved (no pun intended) that she doesn’t have to run to the loo quite as often as she used to since she is terrified of public bathrooms.

Mamma is also producing more blood to support me, which leaves her nose stuffed up most of the day. Sometimes nowadays her heart beats really fast and that freaks her out. I find that annoying because it gets quite loud in here for me. Mamma also noticed the veins under her feet are looking rather prominent. She thinks that’s really neat (she is special that way, isn’t she?).

Daddy is still hoping to feel me moving. He should be careful what he wishes for!! I am only 4 ½ inches long right now, but hopefully, I’ll grow fast and I can really give him a good kick soon:) I’m practicing all sorts of moves to use on him—I am constantly somersaulting and bouncing around in this jungle gym that is my Mamma’s belly. He thinks I’m wonderful and calls me darling all the time. I am sure I’ll have full control of the old man when I come out.

I think I am going to take a nap. It’s really quite comfy in here. I’ll talk to you again next week providing Mamma is in a good mood. Oh, and please make some comments if you like--Mamma wants to save all this in a book she is planning to make for me so that I can get to know all you sweeties that are rooting for me. Please click below on the aptly titled"please click here to comment" link.6

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