Thursday, March 1, 2007

Slightly Scary Seventeen

I am seventeen weeks old today! I have been trying to get Mamma to type for me but she has been an absolute drag because she is still feeling very tired. She has also become quite bossy with me! Mamma dared to lay down some rules for cute little old me—no oily food and no food with preservatives.

I have been invading her thoughts and pestering her to get me some Chinese food since Monday. She absolutely refused all week, valiantly fighting her cravings, but she finally gave in last night. She should at least be glad that I stopped asking her for coffee ice cream. But no, she gives me lectures about ‘healthy food’ (not that she is that into it, so what’s she talking about?).

In other news, loud noises are starting to bother me since I can hear better than before. Fortunately, Mamma hasn’t sung in the shower lately because she talks to me instead of singing. Every night Daddy says things in endearing tones to me and rubs Mamma’s belly. I like that lots. It’s kind of comforting. Whenever he does that I stop doing my aqua-aerobics and curl up for a nap.

Oh, I am getting in some layers of fat this week. I know that sounds horrific to you adults, for but it’s good for me. Before, I was mostly made up of water! There is something else that started forming on my skin. Mamma read that it was called vernix and it is protecting me from the constant exposure to amniotic fluid.

One more exciting thing happened--my fingerprints formed this week. How cool is that? I am becoming more unique by the day! I am kind of special and wonderful, aren’t I? I better be a good baby from now on! Also, my cartilage is starting to turn into bone. I was all soft and squidgy before! Hopefully this means I’ll be more sturdy from now on, but I’m sure I’ll always be cuddly and cute to my Mamma and Daddy!

As you can see, there are many exciting things happening to me this week. Mamma is not having as much of a fun time. The increase in her blood flow is something she still needs to get used to. She went to a cocktail party for work on Friday night, which luckily Daddy was invited to. It was outside and there were no chairs around.

Due to the heat and constant standing she fainted! Don’t worry, she warned Daddy that she was about to pass out so that he could hold her up. She was so worried I would get hurt if she fell on the ground, but I was safe and sound. Mamma was also unharmed, fear not. Daddy could hold her up for the most part but she slunk down on one leg (she herself admits she's no light weight after all). Her right knee and ankle were hurting for a day and she broke a toe nail, but she came out of it more embarrassed than anything else.

I am going to marvel at the new fatty tissue I’m getting in and I feel like doing a couple of somersaults. Mamma should feel them soon, although she hasn’t yet. It will be so much fun to feel my parents reaction when they finally feel me jumping around! I’ll catch up with you soon. Lots of love, Baby BB (please comment below—I love hearing from you). 6


Raymond Cummings said...

"He/she's only seventeen..."

More, please! Even in utero, you're already a fascinating and unique individual - we can't wait for you to be out here with us!

CarolJen said...

I love hearing from you! For such a little one, you have so many interesting things to say:-)

HUGS to baby and mommy!

Wish I could deliver my hugs to your mommy in person!


Aunty Sam said...

Hey BB! Great to make your acquaintance! Did you know that your life is already destined to greatness purely because you will be born in August, a month where many honourable people were born?? :)

And guess what? I can tell you little naughty stories of when your mom was at school! Hope to see you in August when you come out as I will be in Sri Lanka. Till then, lets keep in touch...big hug to you and mom! x

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