Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Months Two & Three

Hi there! I'm baaack! Or rather Mamma went back to work (temporarily apparently) and so she has the time to get online since her dad is a far less demanding boss than I am. She hasn't had a moment to get online while she was at home. Of course the crappy internet connection they had didn't help either.

Any old how, you should see me know. I'm a major chatterbox. Sometimes I get up at 4am and Mamma looks like she is about to pass out. So after a quick meal, she doesn't seem like she wants to start yaking, so I have long facinating conversations with the ceiling fan. It gives me a big thrill! I find the TV rather amusing too. Sometimes when I wake up I turn my head to the TV to get Mamma to put it on for me.

I love to swivel my head this way and that and check out my surroundings. Daddy calls me a surveillance camera. Mamma calls me a nosey parker. It's fun being a baby--everything is brand new to me! Speaking of which, I had my first fever last week. That made me tired and I wasn't in the mood to have a chat, despite my parents valiant attempts to 'cheer me up' by starting nonsensical conversations with me.

I was jet propelled to the doctor and he suggested baby panadol for my fever and nose drops for my cold. I can't stand the nose drops. I can see it coming and if I could run, I would! Speaking of which, trying to stand on my feet while I'm being carried really gives me the giggles! I laughed for the first time at the end of September. I couldn't stop when I started that time. Now I've got a hang of it though:)

I'll write more again soon! love, Baby BB Milena

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