Thursday, March 8, 2007

Enthralling Eighteen

I’m eighteen weeks old right now and have many exciting developments to report. Mamma is slightly more cooperative this week so I get to blog today. Right now I am about 5.6 inches long from head to rump. You know something cool? My skin is still kind of transparent, and if you could see me, you would see the veins under my skin. There is a protective covering called myelin forming on my nerves. It will keep growing for a year after I am born! That’s kind of neat—I wish I could marvel at it, but my eyes are still fused shut.

My ears are getting more and more with it though. Mamma and Daddy went to a fashion show a few days ago with their friends from Thailand and I enjoyed the music every much. I have been practicing making noises since my vocal chords are formed. I am curious to see if I can sing like Daddy or if I’m totally out of tune like Mamma. No sound comes out though since there is no air in here. I’ll just keep practicing my very first wail though. Would be fun to scare my parents with it:)

Other developments include alveoli, tiny air sacs in my lungs, and my digestive system is starting to produce meconium. Meconium is poop! Yep. My first poop is forming, but not to worry, I won’t pass it out till I am born. I can’t wait to see Daddy’s face when he sees it—he might pass out! Those things make him squeamish.

Other than that, I have been spending my time making faces, trying to jump around, and tugging at the umbilical chord, trying to get my parents’ attention. They are both waiting to feel me moving. I have been trying to give Mamma signals, but she is never sure if it is me or gas! I guess she will just have to get used to it and figure it out for herself. Two nights ago, I did a major dance when I heard Daddy’s voice and felt his hand on Mamma’s stomach, but they are still not sure. A rather dense couple I tell you!

I have not been asking Mamma for anything in particular food wise. The only weird thing was that I made her eat a fish curry, which she normally doesn’t eat since as we all know, she can’t stand fish. She ate a little of it but then I got bored of it.

Mamma is still tired and sometimes gets dizzy if she springs out of bed, but she is less worried about it now that she has researched that it’s part and parcel of having me in her belly. She dutifully went for her tetanus shot two days ago (as usual after much research about the impact of the vaccine on me) and her arm is paining today. Oh, and Mamma’s stomach is finally sticking out a bit.

Ok, I feel a yawn coming on. Time for me to cuddle up, suck my thumb and take a nap. Listening to the sound of my Mamma’s heartbeat kind of makes me sleepy, and I need my rest to do some jumping jacks when I hear Daddy’s voice later today. I’ll catch up with you next week! Ps Please don’t forget to leave your comments, and as promised, I want to give a big shout out ot Uncle Ray! 6

1 comment:

Raymond Cummings said...

Acknowledged, and I thank you kindly, wee one :)

We can't wait to see oodles and oodles pictures of you!

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