Wednesday, March 5, 2008

If You're Happy and You Know It...

Hi Aunties and Uncles, how are you doing? From the title of this blog I bet you figured out I learnt a new trick! A few weeks ago, on February 19th, if you must be precise, I figured out clapping! I was so happy to have a banana with my cereal I started clapping and then realized it was good fun. Now I do it all the time, especially when I'm trying to dance.

It seems to keep the adults quite amused too. I love watching them get so excited about such a little thing. Hey, if it keeps the bananas coming, I'm all for it. I am not so crazy about the whole lunch and dinner thing though. Not sweet enough for my liking! But if Mamma gets me distracted enough, it goes ok.

I scared my parents last week. I fell off the bed. They felt really bad since they couldn't save me in time. Mamma had run to the bathroom and Daddy was so tired and alone with me. Luckily I fell mostly on a pillow (Mamma thought she had built a fortress of fluffiness around me but I outsmarted her).

It gave me quite a big shock though and I was shaking but I got over it fast. Only cried for about a minute. Daddy got me and then Mamma came running and everything was ok by me. After that I went back to my dance rountine, jumping on Daddy's belly, but I think my parents were really upset.

That's all the excitement on this end. I better let Mamma do some work. Talk to you soon! 6

Friday, February 1, 2008

Back in the Saddle (bags?)

Hi there Aunties and Uncles! I am back. Mamma has chosen to ignore my requests to post on my behalf all this time, but it all changed with a visit from my darling Aunty Karina and Uncle Mario. They are on their way back to Maryland as we speak, and I'm bummed about that, but we had a lovely time together last weekend. They came over and spoiled me rotten.

We had a glorious time. I had a ball looking adoringly into Aunty Karina's beautiful big eyes and Uncle Mario thrilled me to bits when he lifted me up and spoke to me in my language! He was very calming--so much so that when we went out for coffee and the sound of the blender scared me, I looked for him first instead of my parents!

Any old how Mamma was so touched by how they were with me that she decided to put up posts for me so that all my aunts and uncles can keep in touch with me (since invariably most people I am fond of apparently don't live in the same city as me)! The horror!

Ok, back to me. I'm out of the belly and thrilled to be here. I was introduced to solids last week (on the 23rd of January to be precise). Can you believe Mamma was hiding the good stuff from me all this time. And here I thought all life had to offer was milk. This is opening a whole new chapter for me.

I continue to be delighted with Daddy. When he comes home I bounce and bounce and can't wait for him to come get me. Three days ago, I even stood up on my own in my excitement. Luckily my Mamma was quick on the uptake and there to save me from falling flat on my face.

I will write more soon! Mamma has to go since it's about that time that I have my mushed up carrots! I was aprehensive about them at first, but now they are growing on me. Write soon! love, Baby BB who is now Milena5

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Months Two & Three

Hi there! I'm baaack! Or rather Mamma went back to work (temporarily apparently) and so she has the time to get online since her dad is a far less demanding boss than I am. She hasn't had a moment to get online while she was at home. Of course the crappy internet connection they had didn't help either.

Any old how, you should see me know. I'm a major chatterbox. Sometimes I get up at 4am and Mamma looks like she is about to pass out. So after a quick meal, she doesn't seem like she wants to start yaking, so I have long facinating conversations with the ceiling fan. It gives me a big thrill! I find the TV rather amusing too. Sometimes when I wake up I turn my head to the TV to get Mamma to put it on for me.

I love to swivel my head this way and that and check out my surroundings. Daddy calls me a surveillance camera. Mamma calls me a nosey parker. It's fun being a baby--everything is brand new to me! Speaking of which, I had my first fever last week. That made me tired and I wasn't in the mood to have a chat, despite my parents valiant attempts to 'cheer me up' by starting nonsensical conversations with me.

I was jet propelled to the doctor and he suggested baby panadol for my fever and nose drops for my cold. I can't stand the nose drops. I can see it coming and if I could run, I would! Speaking of which, trying to stand on my feet while I'm being carried really gives me the giggles! I laughed for the first time at the end of September. I couldn't stop when I started that time. Now I've got a hang of it though:)

I'll write more again soon! love, Baby BB Milena

Monday, August 20, 2007

My First Month

I’m baaaaaaack! Hi Aunties and Uncles, the long silence was rather deafening for me! I missed being online and blogging but I had to get used to my new environment and Mamma had to get used to lil old me! So things are kind of hectic in our neck of the woods. Daddy is rather pleased with himself after having produced me and Mamma is just tired all the time.

My birth was alright. I was up all night doing my thing and had just about managed a nap when all of a sudden there was all this bright light and I felt these hands on me yanking me out of the only place I called home! I was kind of dazed and confused and the whole suddenly breathing air thing threw me off. I cried a little and wondered where Mamma went.

I was wrapped measured and all kinds of weird stuff was done to me and then I was plonked down on Mamma’s face (her hands were fastened by an IV and some weird gadget). I knew it was her at once and I fell asleep on her cheek. She was rather thrilled. All she could really see was one big eye of mine and the let me wait on her for a couple of minutes. But we had a lovely cozy Hallmark/Kodak moment.

Once again I was yanked off and taken away but this time I yelled and screamed the whole operating theater down. That’s when I met my grandparents (both sets), Disampathi Seeya, Punch, Rohith Uncle and of course Aunty Manjari. My first few days were a blur. Mamma was hooked up to an IV and loopy but I spent a whole lot of time in Uncle Phill’s arms. We had a grand old time. I stared up his nose adoringly and he looked at me like I was the most wonderful thing ever. Good times.

I was taken to my maternal grandparents house for my first week since Mamma couldn’t climb the stairs in our house. It was all kind of a blur since Mamma and I were trying to get used to each other and a routine. She was in tears a lot since the whole feeding thing was painful and she felt bad she couldn’t spring up and get me quickly when I cried because of the gash on her belly.

We are now in our own place and more or less settled in a routine. Mamma is learning to manage on little or no sleep (I’m little, I get hungry quite a few times in the night). And hey, I really can’t control my bowel movements so sometimes I get Mamma during those 5am nappy changes!

So I’m going to be one month old tomorrow. It’s tough being a baby. I have bad gas issues and colic makes me scream in pain. Nothing my parents do can help me and I get more upset since I sense that they are stressed/worried about it. No pun intended but I heard it will pass in a couple of weeks. It really hurts me a lot so that seems like an eternity for me and my folks.

Other than that nothing much is going on. I’ll try to get one once a week! Leave some comments for me. Lots of love, Baby BB Milena ps hope you saw my picture, if not bug Mamma

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Time to Say 'Hi' Thirty-Seven

Hi Aunties and Uncles, the time is almost here it seems. This blog won't be very long since Mamma is at home and her internet connection is driving her insane (although she is glad not to be sitting in her office). So this has been a week full of news and important events. On Friday Mamam and Daddy went for a scan. It turns out I was already about eight pounds (and Mamma was only starting week 37 that day). Since I put on half an ounce to an ounce each day, the doctor who performed the scan and our doctor both strongly adviced my parents to opt for a c-section anytime after the 19th of this month!

Mamma was quite keen on a natural birth (mostly to prove that her large hip bones were worth something) but the doctors said in my case they won't help her much. She was really upset about it and has been having panic attacks about becoming a mom (since she is up all night with pains and bladder issues anyway). Ok I feel bad about the bladder issues, but I'm upside down in here and I can't help head butting her bladder! I'm only a baby:)

Any old how so back to the news, my parents thought about it and decided to go on Saturday providing the hospital can accommodate them (for some reason they can't go in until the day before the operation since it's 'elective'). So they are hoping a room will be free since who knows when I'll come out otherwise. So I guess I'll be seeing you all really soon (hopefully)!

In other news, my Aunty Manjari, Uncle Phil and cousins Millie and Kasi are here! It was nice to hear them, but they are noisy! I have heard so much about them and I know Aunty Manji's voice from the phone. We are going to have great fun together. To make it even better, I 'met' my cousins Arun and Ruwan for the first time yesterday too. The were playing with Millie and Kasi. One day I hope they will play with me!

So that about covers all the news for this week. My Mamma is quite tired now so I'll sign off. She is trying to get everything ready for me. They have to work twice as hard and Daddy is moving stuff too since they can't stay in our house right after an operation due to the stairs and general layout of the house. They have to move into my Grandma's house for about ten days after our four day stay at the hospital (let me tell you, Mamma is not a happy camper about staying so 'long' in the hospital).

I'm going to nap while Mamma packs. Daddy is taking a week off to hang out with me so I'm excited about that! So I guess next time you hear from me, you will actually get to see me and know my real name (I'll get my parents to put a picture up). Can't wait to see you! Thanks for all the support. By the way, you can reach my parents at Leave some comments for me please:) Lots of love and hugs and drooley baby kisses, Baby BB

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Torrential Thirty-Six

Hi Aunties and Uncles! I nearly didn’t get to post you a blog this week! Mamma is so out of it, she logged on to type for me, then forgot about it and logged off without doing anything! Luckily she heard my psychic shout out to her and got right back on. She had no sleep at all last night because she kept thinking about my birth and all the stuff that it entails. Plus everything hurts when she is trying to get comfy. Right now she feels like she is walking under water with shackles at her feet most of the time. Everything seems heavy.

Today is her last day at work before she takes leave so at least that is a good thing. Of course Mamma wouldn’t be Mamma if she didn’t leave without drama. She was typing away at her computer when she sensed a cockroach barreling his way down the wall behind her. She is terrified of roaches and has an uncanny ability to spot them no matter how well hidden they are. She’s funny. She can deal with rats and snakes, but show her a cockroach and all of a sudden she can run at Olympian speeds (which is funny since I’m sure no one has even seen her walk really fast let alone run).

A guy in her office tried to get rid of the cockroach and he started to fly and before Mamma and I knew it we were out the door! This from a woman who made a mental note this morning to be careful with me since she was so sleepy and tired. Naturally, all her coworkers thought it was hilarious—it was quite a spectacle to see someone her size just zip right out of there through stairs and all. Oh dear!

Any old how, in other news, Mamma finally got her hospital bag ready. She has been packing that thing on and off for the past two-three weeks and it was always short of something. There is not much in it, but she hopes it will be enough. At least she got my diapers and cute tiny outfits ready. Mamma and Daddy can’t fathom how tiny I will be when I come out. They love looking at baby clothes. They picked up a tiny shirt Aunty Manji sent and Daddy thought he could put only his little finger and ring finger through the arm socket. He thought that was sweet.

So two days ago I was moving and now that Mamma’s stomach has dropped slightly I spend a lot of my precious waking hours fighting with her thighs. I was squirming around and Daddy was talking to me while Mamma tried to comfort me and for the first time she felt my hand through her stomach (I unintentionally whacked her hand). She thought it was amazing (all this time they could only figure out where my back and bottom were). She was shocked at how little it felt.

My parents met up with my pediatrician yesterday to make sure he was a good guy. They seemed to like him. Mamma started to see her doctor every week now. As I mentioned last week, he was in disbelief that Mamma fell again—in all his years as an OBGYN he has never had a patient quite like her. He wants us to go for a scan tomorrow to see how much I weigh. He thinks I’m a whopper! I do put on about an ounce and half to an ounce of fat each day.

Daddy moved my crib into their bedroom and Mamma installed a mobile and arranged the bedding for me. After that they spent a lot of time just gazing at it and wishing they could meet me already! The debate goes on about when I’m going to come out. Daddy has been given a list of e-mails so you should hear about my birth as soon as I come out (that is if Daddy can bear to pry himself away from me to get to a computer—Mamma I’m assuming will be in no condition to even think of computers). I should sign off since I’m pooped and so is Mamma. I can’t wait to meet you all! Leave some comments for me. Lots of love, Baby BB

*Please note that if I come this week for some reason, Daddy will e-mail you to let you know I arrived, but if it's a c-section Mamma won't be able to write to you or post blogs for 2 weeks (she would have to go to my Grandma's house since our house is not post-op friendly). But hopefully you'll hear from me again for week thirty-seven!6

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Topsy-Turvy Thirty-Five

Oops she did it again! Mamma is so tired these days she can barely get herself up the stairs to her bedroom. She is, however, very good at going down the stairs—she just rolls down them. Yes, Mamma dearest fell down again!

This time she was going out with Daddy for some Indian food and she was plunking down the concrete steps one foot at a time, trying to be cautious if not elegant about it, when on the last step her ankle gave way and she fell hard on the stone floor. She twisted her ankle really badly and Daddy got a big shock.

For a while it seemed like all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t get Mamma up and running again, but after much ado and Daddy’s fruitless attempts at lifting us, she was up, if not barely about. Not to worry, I was fast asleep and wasn’t bothered by it. I just figured, there she goes again (she has averaged one fall per trimester I think). She had to limp for two-three days but it was kind of nice for me since it provided me with a nice rocking motion.

She is much better now. I am absolutely fine. Mamma had a cut or two on her foot and her right knee and left ankle made it hard for her to walk for a few days, but she is fine now. Daddy still can’t imagine how we fell down. He was in front of us, trying to make sure this wouldn’t happen.

This is why whenever Mamma and Daddy go to the doctor, I can always hear the sharp intake of his breath and Mamma says his eyebrows go up a couple of centimeters. He always asks them what Mamma did now. He’s kind of scared of her/thinks she is the most impossible patient he has. This time my parents knew the drill of what to look out for and thought they’d spare telling the doctor about the fall till their next visit this weekend. Her doctor would very much like it if she put bubble wrap around her stomach and stayed in bed till I came out. I don’t mind so much. Mamma wouldn’t be Mamma without a dash of clumsiness and a pinch of chaos.

Any old how let’s talk more about me. I’m getting chubbier by the week. Remember several weeks ago I told you that only about 2% of my weight was fat. Right now the percentage has gone up to 15%! I’m not getting any taller though, since there is not enough room for me in here. As it is I’m banging on Mamma’s bladder and lungs. I’m so big now that there is more of me than amniotic fluid in here.

If I was born sometime now, I’d be alright. This stuff called cortisol is in my lungs to help them develop in preparation for birth and my kidneys should be developed fully by now. I’m also developing my own immune system. I kind of have an idea of when I want to come out, but that’s my little secret for now. Plus I’m a fickle little fetus. I change my mind about these things all the time (hey I gotta do something inside here).

Other than that not much is going on here. It’s hard for Mamma and me to get comfy at night. I push or kick through her belly onto the bed and her bladder when she sleeps on her side. She is always up with palpitations or heartburn or some other malady. Her rings don’t fit her fingers anymore and her feet look more masculine than Daddy’s at the moment! Also her nose seems bigger. She is not keen on that. Basically she is hoping that I would make an early appearance. Daddy is also hoping for that, but that’s because he wants to see me already. He thinks everything I do is cute (well I am a sweetie if I do say so myself).

I think I’ll sign off and let Mamma post this for me while she is safely seated and actually slightly alert. In case you didn’t see the pictures Mamma sent, please tell her to get them to you. Leave some comments for me! Lots of love, Baby BB 6

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tedious Thirty-Four

Hi Aunties and Uncles! How are you doing? I’m growing at a rate. I weigh a little more than five pounds now and am at least twenty inches long head to toe. All in all, I’m a bundle of cuteness. This week I have spent a lot of time sleeping. That’s because my Mamma finally took a few days off work and we both just napped and napped away. She’s still tired though, but I’m fine and dandy.

At our most recent doctor’s appointment, Mamma complained about the palpitations she had been experiencing at night. Her pressure was ok, at 120/80 but the doctor wanted to be cautious and scheduled an ECG for her. Mamma was not a happy camper about it but Daddy and the doctor insisted. After much ado, it turned out Mamma’s heart was fine and that she probably felt palpitations when she was lying on her left side because her heart is also on left side and she must have been sensitive to it since pregnant women have a faster heart rate.

My parents are spending four days at my maternal grandparents’ house so Mamma can take it easy. She took three days off work this week to just rest while she is there because at least there we have company and won’t be home alone while Daddy is at work (plus Grandma makes yummy food for us). We move back to our house tomorrow and then it’s back to cleaning and stuff!

The bed in Mamma’s room there is smaller than the one we have at home and the first night, Daddy was shoving his pillow onto Mamma’s belly. That kind of irritated me so I was clawing at it with my tiny hands and legs all night, keeping Mamma up (she was nauseous and up because of a queasy feeling and my kicking didn’t help her much). In the end she felt bad to do so, but had to wake Daddy up to get him to move. When she told him about it the next day, Daddy thought it was funny and cute and he was smiling away imagining my little hands and feet.

Daddy is still busy with his work. He is having back pains and is tired a lot but he cheers up when he talks to me. He can’t wait to see me. Mamma is starting to have weird dreams about when she delivers me. She can’t wait to see me either. She is having a lot of problems she had in her first trimester. Her sense of smell is really sharp again and now she has to run to the bathroom all the time (except this time it’s not because of hormones but because my head is resting on her bladder).

Mamma’s quite tired all the time. Yesterday we pretty much slept all morning but it didn’t seem to do her any good. When she stands, after a few minutes the soles of her feet start to hurt and at night she has a backache. Her palpitations are still there sometimes at night and she gets nauseous around meal times. When she gets really tired, her stomach feels heavy and she feels like she is walking underwater.

As for me, I’m kind of cramped in here. The uterine wall is thinner so more light comes in and I am blinking lots in response to it. There is glycogen stored in my liver, which I will have to use for energy during my birth (esp if I come out the natural way) and for the first few days until Mamma and I can get a proper routine going with the feedings.

I am no longer floating in the amniotic fluid, but rather I am resting on Mamma’s uterus. Everyday, I shed a little lanugo (the fine hairs keeping me warm all this time) and put on a layer of fat, but I think I’m going to have some still left when I’m born. My fingernails are quite long too.

In general, I spend quite a long time sleeping now compared to before. The doctor identified various body parts of mine to my parents last weekend, so now they have proof that I do move my tush a lot! And I love reggae music. Daddy is thrilled about that. He tried to sing me some the other day.

I guess I should go and let Mamma post this for me before she gets pooped or forgets to do so. Daddy still owes you pictures. Please leave some comments for me. My Mamma is saving your comments for a scrapbook she is making out of these blogs for me to enjoy when I’m bigger. I’ll write again next week and I’ll be seeing you sooner than you imagine! Lots of love, Baby BB 6

Friday, June 22, 2007

Torturous Thirty-Three

Hi Aunties and Uncles! How are you keeping? I have a picture of Mamma for you, but Daddy has had a long week and so he hasn’t been able to post it yet. Tonight my parents (well and lil me since I have no choice where I’m taken) are going to a wedding and I’ll remind Mamma of two things 1.)to get another picture taken of us and 2.) to literally eat for two when it comes to wedding cake. Hopefully, by next week, we’ll have posted two pictures!

Daddy came back on Sunday but Mamma and I were really tired from getting the house ready for his arrival (ok, Mamma was, I was just along for the ride as always). Feeling Mamma moving around a lot made me tired and sleepy so I rested. At one point she ran because the neighbors were fumigating their place and she was trying to protect me from that—I’m sure that was a funny (and rare) sight since Mamma is far from athletic. By the time Daddy got home, I was fast asleep and it took him twenty minutes of singing to get me up and moving.

On Tuesday Daddy went with my maternal grandparents to the hospital since my Grandpa had to have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy (my grandparents did not want Mamma to go to the hospital because they were afraid she’ll catch something and give it to me—they are the germ-o-phobic side of the family). Grandma burst out crying and didn’t take it well and Daddy did a great job taking care of her. Afterwards, everyone was ok and my grandparents were in raptures about my Daddy (I seconded everything they said because I think he’s pretty darn wonderful myself). Mamma got Daddy a sundae as a treat for being so nice. He really enjoyed it!

By Wednesday, Daddy was sick! He had a burger outside of the house and it gave him food poisoning! He was throwing up all night. At one point it was 2am and Mamma had actually fallen into a deep sleep but I woke up for the noise and kicked at her to let her know my Daddy was in trouble. So after a rather anxious night, Daddy settled down and Mamma and I stayed home with him yesterday to make sure he was ok. He was a little weak, but he is fine now.

Mamma is not having a good week either. She finds everyday at work rather difficult. She gets so tired her eyes start to water and tears roll down her eyes. Her coworkers probably think that she is crying at her desk. But I think she is at a point where she is so out of it she doesn’t care anymore. Catching sleep at night is hard for her since she gets palpitations when she tries to lie down and it’s hard balancing me and her back. When she finally falls asleep, she has to go to the bathroom at around 4:30am and then it takes another hour to fall asleep again.

If I am up at that time, I push at her belly a little, which probably doesn’t help her much. I think I’m about nineteen and a half inches long. I couldn’t tell you for sure because I can’t stretch out fully anymore and well, I don't know much about measurements--my world experience is reather limited as you can imagine. I’m just a cute tiny baby!

For the first time now there is more of me than amniotic fluid, so when I do chose to squirm and roll, Mamma really feels it a lot. When Mamma touches the top of her belly, her skin feels weird, like there really is a big water balloon right under it. She thinks it’s kind of cool. Her belly button popped out too, but I think my parents find it a little freaky.

Oh, last night, Mamma and Daddy videoed me moving. Little do they know I was mooning them! Well, even if they did, they would think it’s adorable since they think the world of me. I was shaking my booty since there was reggae music on the TV and I really like it! Makes me want to dance in here.

I’ll sign off now Aunties and Uncles. I will be seeing you shortly I hope! Only a matter of weeks now before we meet each other. Mamma spent all of yesterday washing all my clothes and linen with special detergent and tomorrow she is supposed to pack our hospital bag. Daddy bought me three cute dresses in Vietnam so she is putting me in a little yellow one to bring me home—doesn’t that sound fun? Leave some comments for me, and oh, Uncle Ray, I’m holding you to your promise! Lots of love, Baby BB 6

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thumbs-Up Thirty-Two

Hi Aunties and Uncles! How are you doing? This week I had my first real big scare! No wonder when my Daddy went to Vietnam he told Mamma to please be careful and not get into any ‘situations’. True to form, drama found itself at her feet (in one case literally).

Over the weekend, Mamma found out why her foot was hurting last week. She got something like a large thorn in her little toe. After a rather painful ‘operation’ performed by Grandpa and his help, they managed to get most of it out. It really hurt Mamma a lot (I could almost feel her pain) but in the end, her foot felt a whole lot better. She was ok after that, except for the tiredness she’s been feeling lately.

But here’s the drama: Yesterday, Mamma forced herself to go to office, trying to save up her leave. Well, she should have stayed at home! We were both really tired sitting at that desk of hers when suddenly a crazy client came bursting in and started randomly threatening her coworker! He was yelling so loudly, I got such a shock that I jumped up really violently, which in turn made Mamma jump out of her seat.

The sound really upset me. She was quite angry with that man for frightening me (she’s a ferocious Mama bear when she wants to be) and rather annoyed that he was talking so rudely and making threats to her staff. He had shoulder-length hair, was clad in a seersucker suit and donned a weird thin red bandana across his forehead. In the beginning he claimed to be a doctor, then he said he was a criminal lawyer so he could get away with murder and he was going to bring his gun and shoot everybody.

The best part? The idiotic fashion-challenged lunatic got the wrong department! He wanted to threaten people in the credit department, who have nothing to do with us (we do insurance brokering). Mamma’s poor coworker couldn’t get a word in edgewise to explain this to Mr. Psycho. By this time Mamma was really pissed. The man was shouting so loudly that people from other parts of the building had gathered!

Her boss did nothing about it and she wanted to go and tell the lunatic to get a grip so that we could find the appropriate people to help him with his issue but then she stopped short because of me. Since I got so scared when he shouted, she didn’t want to bring me closer to him, especially if he was going to get violent. Eight months ago, she probably would have wanted to karate chop him herself, especially since the wonderful security guards in the office were not intervening.

Eventually all was sorted out. I took a long time to settle in again and Mamma was concerned about me. Incidentally, her coworker(s) were fine. She checked up on him and he said that this particular man was notorious for this type of behavior so he wasn't upset about it. Well, that’s good to know!

Any old how, other than that, things are progressing nicely in here. It’s starting to get a little cramped so I curl my legs up a lot. I can’t perform my kicks and punches anymore; just mostly little rolls and squirms. We took my Grandpa out to dinner a few days ago for his birthday and we had some Chinese food (my favorite!). I was quite content so I started sucking my thumb.

Mamma noticed the thump, thump, thump movement and told her mother about it. Grandma knew what I was up to right away and for the first time Mamma realized I was sucking my thumb. Daddy was thrilled (but he thinks everything I do is wonderful).

I have my routine. Mamma is supposed to monitor my movements and she has noticed that I suck my thumb at 7am and 11pm. This made Aunty Manji delighted since she used to do the same thing when she was in her mom’s belly. Aunty Manji (wishfully) thinks that I will be a mini-Manji, just as her daughter, my Cousin Millie, is like a newer improved model of my Mamma. She calls everyday to see how I am.

Other than that, I have been dreaming of milkshakes. Mamma finally made one for me yesterday. I love them! She has been having some Braxton-Hicks contractions but they don’t bother her much. In fact it took her a while to figure it out.

I have some important news for you; Daddy finally took a picture of Mamma before he left for Vietnam. That is the first picture taken of her since I came into the picture (pun intended I suppose). We have to wait till Daddy comes back to get it onto the computer, so please bug my forgetful Mamma to get it online and post it for you next week! You can see how big I’ve become. I’m such a cutie! I guess I should go now. Please leave some comments for me. Lots of love, Baby BB 6

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